Monday, December 6, 2010
Do you hear what I hear...
It was a full moon. The husband and I were going for our bi weekly "long run". Our corporate meeting for him and I sort through everything currently going on in our lives. We unload every facet and talk through each of the inventrapreneurs ideas. Many things are changing, and new opportunities presenting themselves each day. So many things we juggle, so many thoughts to untangle. This particular evening, we took our two furry children (who happen to be my absolute best friends) on the last leg of our run about 2 miles from our house. At the corner where we turn around to head back home, there is a church. Right as we turn and begin to head back the most magical thing happened. The bells in front of the church began chiming what sounded like songs of christmas. It was already dark, the full moon was right over the church and the bells were playing the most beautiful songs. I HAD to stop. At first I was confused cause there was not one car in the parking lot, no one to be seen anywhere near the church but the bells just began to ring. They may have been testing them, they may have gone off on accident, but whatever the reason we were ment to be there at that moment. They continued and we could hear them for the next 10 minutes of our run. On this night I knew there was a lesson to be learned.. keep my faith. How could something this extraordinary be anyone but Him. Yes sir we are on the path. This climb has been the most incredible, insane, tough, trying, CRAZY, and absolutely life changing journey ever. And exactly when I begin to doubt whether or not this is what I am supposed to be doing, the bells begin ringing and I have faith that we are in fact arriving.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Clown to the left of Me.. Jokers to the right
The words play loudly in my head.. stuck in the middle with you... A fave as of this moment in time. We have officially kicked off our holiday season and are pushing through. Ideas, events, promotions, email blasts, savings, buy 1 get 1.. buzzing through our offices. Keeping each other pumped and positive is important. Wrapping up the season of fishing lures, as it is somehow already unwrapping itself if that makes sense. It seems the season has already begun for next year so onward we must go. We have trimmed the fat, and LL is ready to endure the winter and breakthrough the other side in a way we have not been able to do just yet. Meanwhile, we are awaiting our destiny in the world of medical sales, the company is in formation and the forces will join very soon. And as I write the words down, I can't help but feel the lyrics being in the middle.. at a waiting period. I feel like I have grown tremendously in the past 3 years of my life, I think my amazing husband has grown and learned more than he thought was possible and most importantly we have grown so in tune with each other, the harmony is a beautiful song to carry us to the next level of our lives. The next adventures and chapters, building families and building legacies, and learning more as the days pass. So in this waiting period I have taken the time to be with our family and friends and really enjoy this time. This years holiday seems it may be an unforgettable and exciting one and I am happy to share it with the people in our lives. We missed our families and close friends on our travels this year and I can't imagine a better time to catch up on those times than now.. my absolute favorite time of year.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Seasons are Changin'
I woke up this morning feeling excited. A little over cast outside, colder than usual inside my house and I can feel the season changing. The season of our lives.. I believe we are FINALLY moving onto a new journey. About a month ago, my mom and I were at lunch and she told me that she has been praying and the seasons will be changing for us. My mom is our biggest fan. Hands down, this beautiful lady appreciates every accomplishment, every small step, every encounter, and every meeting like no other one person. My mother picks me up when I think I could never ever get up, and inspires when I can't see through my tears. She has a powerful prayer. So today I feel what she had seen.
My favorite time of the year approaches and we begin to plan parties, get togethers, and holiday festivities. Our fishing season pushes into cruise control with us still sitting behind of the wheel of course, but travel is done. Now we start the action plan for next year. The husband and I have started our runs and long walks that we used to crave. These runs have been so important to our lives. It's an hour and a half.. no phones,, email, music, computers, tvs, people, nothing. Just him and I on the pavement reviewing our lives. It's a recap, inner circle meeting, advise, opinions and exercise... and it has been amazing. So many ideas, opportunities, and paths that have come to surface and to review them on a trail of fresh air and cool breeze is essential. It's time to move forward and Mr. and Mrs. Casta are being positioned to do just that. New business and whole new direction and something that I have felt since the first breakfast meeting attended.. this will carry into the level you envision. We have come to one conclusion together... work the hardest we have ever worked for the next year, sacrifice and pray the hardest we have ever prayed and have faith that this next season is a whole new level. I have an overwhelming peace about the whole thing... I am ready for the change.
My favorite time of the year approaches and we begin to plan parties, get togethers, and holiday festivities. Our fishing season pushes into cruise control with us still sitting behind of the wheel of course, but travel is done. Now we start the action plan for next year. The husband and I have started our runs and long walks that we used to crave. These runs have been so important to our lives. It's an hour and a half.. no phones,, email, music, computers, tvs, people, nothing. Just him and I on the pavement reviewing our lives. It's a recap, inner circle meeting, advise, opinions and exercise... and it has been amazing. So many ideas, opportunities, and paths that have come to surface and to review them on a trail of fresh air and cool breeze is essential. It's time to move forward and Mr. and Mrs. Casta are being positioned to do just that. New business and whole new direction and something that I have felt since the first breakfast meeting attended.. this will carry into the level you envision. We have come to one conclusion together... work the hardest we have ever worked for the next year, sacrifice and pray the hardest we have ever prayed and have faith that this next season is a whole new level. I have an overwhelming peace about the whole thing... I am ready for the change.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Hmm.. it's Thursday. It's been a really busy week. But more of an annoying busy. It is officially fall here in South Texas and we are LOVING the weather. It's been a little hectic in the Casta household. Now that Livingston's super busy season is simmering and by simmering about to boil and potentially blow up bigger than we could have ever imagined, in other words working on some huge things which could change the way we do business forever. We picked up two more large distributors that cover 6 more states which is forward movement pushing through the season. With that said, we are now exploring, while we wait for Livingston to boil. Something new has come along with the StethoCleanse, Roberts idea that he owns the patent to, I had mentioned a couple of blogs ago. A person that we have known for years has stepped up to the plate and he may just hit it out park for us. I will update when there is ink on paper. The medical industry. Interesting to see how this unfolds, may be the answers to our prayers, could be the change I have been feeling, believe this could be magical. But I am not afraid to get on my knees and pray whatever it is we are supposed to be doing. I am excited, we are going into my absolute favorite time of the year, so much to look forward to and to see what the rest of the year is going to bear. As for me, I am looking into non profit work, something that has been heavy on my heart for the holidays and now have looked into for a temporary position. Trying to focus on enjoying the life we are in now, the journey to the place where we have imagined, so we appreciate every second with eachother, our families and our friends we couldn't survive without.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Last Big Event = Success
We had our last "big" event of the year at this years Toyota Bass Classic. This is where all of the top 50 freshwater pros come out and fish against eachother.. just like the superbowl for football. We packed our LL mobile and headed to Lake Conroe. As we arrived one day early to set up they had given us the most perfect spot! Right at the entrance where people have to pass us on the way in and the way out. We could see the stage where four concerts took place and we ended up with some really cool neighbors for the weekend.
Friday was the first tournament and we made it for the weigh in at this really cool bar and grill right on the water. As we made our way to the back patio where it was all happening an editor for a Texas magazine was heading back to interview KVD.. which is one of the best guys in the industry. He saw Robert and asked if he could be interviewed right after on his radio show. I thought that was a nice touch to start the weekend off right. Saturday came and went we sold a bunch of bait, met some great folks AND my little sister and her new beau came out to show a little support which was a bonus for us! Sunday rolled around and we were going at full steam ahead until about 7 and then it was time to get outta dodge. We packed it up with the help of some of LL's Pro Staff which took us literally no time because of all the helping hands. Home and snug in our bed by 2am just in time to get a little shut eye and catch our breath for the next weeks adventures. We met pros, had some fun, saw some fam, and made some money.. We call that a complete SUCCESS
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Dipping the Hand in Many Jars
As the lure aspect of Livingston Products is steady as she goes, we have decided to dig up another one of my husbands brilliant ideas. This one is called the StethoCleanse. A device he thought of when he worked in the cardio area of a hospital. This device is to help prevent bacteria, disease, infection, etc. from using the stethoscope over and over and not cleaning it properly. He holds the only patent for the device which is pretty clever. This week we attended a meeting for the largest hospital community in our city. We (more Robert than we) were given the chance to talk about the StethoCleanse in front of the purchasing director, doctors, nurses and other hospital staff and the reaction was AWESOME! Not only did they absolutely love the idea, but we won a door prize from the drawing of business cards. Not only did Robert not want them to call his name for a door prize because his card said Livingston Lures and we were there for a medical device, but as they were about to call his name he was saying out loud, "Please don't call my name, please don't call my name!" Sure enough they called his name and out of every gift there was to win he won a cross. A cross made out of barbed wire that was used in our great state of Texas. I immediatly knew this was GOD giving us a little kiss and maybe saying.. you finally got it! So we have made a decision, we know what our path is in life, now how we get there is a little less prominate in my mind. So instead of just going down one avenue to get there, we are creating our own roads. This is just the beginning of many more projects that are being created as each day passes. I am telling you.. in this house.. if we don't have a million things going on at once we are not doing enough. So as our prayers begin to unfold, I am impatiently waiting to see where we are headed next. Tomorrow's another day.. a whole different avenue awaits us.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
The Path is Paved

As our official season is coming to a close, being in the industry we have learned this is the time the big boys come out to play. We have been across the state of Texas, made a hop over to Louisiana and we have one last major event in Lake Conroe Texas the first weekend in October. The last event we were a part of was the 5th Annual Fishing for Hope in South Padre Island, Texas. It came at just the right moment to lift our spirits, and let us know this indeed is the right path that we have choosen. The energy, the excitement and the group of people that were gathered there to represent Livingston was truly a sight to be seen! So as 2010 fishing season has come and almost gone, we have grown, expanded, traveled, sold, talked, demonstrated and burned the candle at both ends! As I take a deep breath and prepare for the next couple months of "down time" I think I have finally come to embrace the life of an entreprenuer. Although I never thought I would conform, being shown the path and the other side of the corporate world and I will do anything and everything possible to stay on the path that has been paved.
Friday, July 23, 2010
On the road again..
Our last trip of the month the valley of Texas. We have covered many miles over the past 3 weeks. We have met so many people, contacts, customers and potential partners. Although we are running low on gas.. We have many more miles to go before seasons end. We have made so many memories together as husband and wife and the incredible opportunities that begin to present themselves. I have learned something new this month after watching new lives come into this world and lives coming to an end. Life is so precious and I want to make sure we aren't missing all the adventures on the journey to our final destination. As we arrive to cities of the south we are fully loaded, slightly rested and ready to conquer this show. Giving it our absolute best and pray for abundant blessings and know with that combination.. Ain't nothing gonna keep us down.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Just Keep Swimming
Yesterday was officially the first day of summer. Schools are out, people have begun their vacations, and the morning traffic is lighter. For us this means SELL time. It is a good day when lures leave our "offices". Trying to take on as much as I can possibly handle without completely burning out. In the next 30 days, we will be in 2 different states and 6 different cities selling our lures but most of all ourselves. We are continuing to work with the Governors office and the State of Texas and have realized that the people there at the capital are really pulling for us. They believe in us.. we have somehow touched their hearts that they are taking the time and energy to help make our journey successful. And at the end of the day, that is what keeps this train moving at full speed ahead.. well that and of course the fact that we would like to have our lives back again in the near future. Just keep swimming... just keep swimming.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Knee Deep in Fishing Season
We are about 1 month into fishing season 2010. We have already been to Louisiana, West Texas and the coast of Texas, Corpus Christi. Louisiana was a trip to go down in the books, flying a private jet, stuffed with LL. Corpus proved to be some of the hardest money I have ever worked for and west Texas although it appeared to be crazy town, much to our surprise was a success! So many things in motion, selling now in 4 different states and officially in another country.. Canada. Fishing tourneys, sports and outdoors tradeshows, ICAST in Vegas, and many more events are beginning to fill up the calendar. Motion is the key.. shaking trees, community bound. Also on the forefront, finding a place to call home for LL. So it seems at this point, as summer officially begins, we hit the ground running, onward we go. Here's to an amazing season, and hoping to come up for air in September.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
By the Hair of my Chiny Chin
And so the saga continues. As last week came to a close.. I had a small awakening and decided to hit the ground again. An interesting concept, it seems more things tend to be in motion when we are out making the motion. A given seeing as we are the team, the duo, Mr. and Mrs. LL, THE ONLY ONES WORKING THE BUSINESS. So let's see what we can stir up this Spring.
It is mid April.. things are steady.. there are no big waves that we can spot as of now. This week might prove to be another life changing date for the books, but these days I prefer to believe it when I see it...which may sound clichee and a bit overdramatic but this year this fish has been led to so much water but no one will let me swim..yet. Investor meetings, banking meetings, and business mixers consume our week.
Onward we move, faith intact, solid bond still here, health 100%.. let's make some money.. and if it's not too much to ask get out on the water in the very near future.
It is mid April.. things are steady.. there are no big waves that we can spot as of now. This week might prove to be another life changing date for the books, but these days I prefer to believe it when I see it...which may sound clichee and a bit overdramatic but this year this fish has been led to so much water but no one will let me swim..yet. Investor meetings, banking meetings, and business mixers consume our week.
Onward we move, faith intact, solid bond still here, health 100%.. let's make some money.. and if it's not too much to ask get out on the water in the very near future.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
When the Going Gets Tough
It has been one hard week and it's only Wednesday. It seems like the world has finally started to notice LL. We are now in Florida stores and working our way to Cali. We even picked up some guy in Canada that wants to see our lures so now we can say we are in another country! Doors are continueing to open, Louisiana and Texas large tackle stores are now carrying the great "croaker". But that is not the hard part.
We are now at the uphill climb.. No longer coasting, we are digging our heals into the ground and making the climb, one foot infront of the other. Blood, sweat and tears.. I am now there. This is the trying time that I have heard about, but the best part about that is, the success stories I have heard them from. Nothing good ever comes easy right? Well that is just what I have to keep in my head so I don't go bonkers making the upward climb.
My husband, who I believe was born an entreprenuer pushes forward day after day and sometimes I have to take a step back and admire him. I realize that I myself was not born this way but I am making the plunge and have literally given everything to be a part of this adventure.
My faith is strong and prayer even stronger, so I am leaving it there. I know there is a plan and this may be the calm before the storm, the cleanse before the abundant blessings, the complete test to make sure we are prepared and deserving of what is about to come.
But how long can we climb uphill is the question?
We are now at the uphill climb.. No longer coasting, we are digging our heals into the ground and making the climb, one foot infront of the other. Blood, sweat and tears.. I am now there. This is the trying time that I have heard about, but the best part about that is, the success stories I have heard them from. Nothing good ever comes easy right? Well that is just what I have to keep in my head so I don't go bonkers making the upward climb.
My husband, who I believe was born an entreprenuer pushes forward day after day and sometimes I have to take a step back and admire him. I realize that I myself was not born this way but I am making the plunge and have literally given everything to be a part of this adventure.
My faith is strong and prayer even stronger, so I am leaving it there. I know there is a plan and this may be the calm before the storm, the cleanse before the abundant blessings, the complete test to make sure we are prepared and deserving of what is about to come.
But how long can we climb uphill is the question?
Monday, March 22, 2010
Secretary of the State of Texas
Just when I think it gets too hard, too intense, too much work.. just too much... an angel is placed in my path who reassures me of our greatness. This time it happens to be the Secretary of the State of Texas. You see, we met her about a year and half ago in Austin, Tx and she took the time to step aside and tell us to keep going.. right through those tough times. Two months after meeting her she wrote my husband a letter giving more wonderful advice about being an entrepreneur which she was herself. I responded to that letter, not just once, but several times seeing if we could possibly get a minute of her time to tell our story. A couple of months passed and we began the new year. Mrs. Secretary's scheduler (the lady who schedules her appointments) emails me and apologizes for not responding earlier, but she would love to put something on the calendar.
March 8, 2010 was the date. We traveled to Austin, first met with the Governor's office about our funding to get the most out of our trip. Then we arrived at the Secretary's office in our State capital. It was very surreal. She invites us in and as I am reaching for her hand, the heel of my shoe gets caught in the cuff of my pants and I stumble to meet her. As we sat down, my husband and partner did what we do best which is tell our story playing off one another. About half way through our saga, she looked at us and said, "You guys are already on your way, what do you need me for?!" With that said the tune of our song was changed forever. She went on to call some of her contacts while we sat there in her office, she brought people in telling them to remember our faces because we were going to be very successful and famous. She got every concept that we began to explain without a second of hesitation. She understood and offered anything she could do to help with our cause. At the end we were taking a picture with her and she leaned into Roberts ear and whispered, "I am so proud of you." Then she added to us both, "The second you feel like quitting, call me and I will talk you out of it, the time most people quit is right before they make it big."
Mrs. Secretary of the State of Texas, went on to make several phone calls on our behalf, and a gentleman we are working with in the city of New Braunfels, called us and told us he had received a call from Mrs. Andrade and whatever we did, whatever we said, she was very impressed by what we are doing. And to top that, he said I can remember just a few short months ago, when BRIDGETTE came to our offices and this whole thing began! This is my destiny... Monday, March 8, 2010 is a day I will remember forever.
March 8, 2010 was the date. We traveled to Austin, first met with the Governor's office about our funding to get the most out of our trip. Then we arrived at the Secretary's office in our State capital. It was very surreal. She invites us in and as I am reaching for her hand, the heel of my shoe gets caught in the cuff of my pants and I stumble to meet her. As we sat down, my husband and partner did what we do best which is tell our story playing off one another. About half way through our saga, she looked at us and said, "You guys are already on your way, what do you need me for?!" With that said the tune of our song was changed forever. She went on to call some of her contacts while we sat there in her office, she brought people in telling them to remember our faces because we were going to be very successful and famous. She got every concept that we began to explain without a second of hesitation. She understood and offered anything she could do to help with our cause. At the end we were taking a picture with her and she leaned into Roberts ear and whispered, "I am so proud of you." Then she added to us both, "The second you feel like quitting, call me and I will talk you out of it, the time most people quit is right before they make it big."
Mrs. Secretary of the State of Texas, went on to make several phone calls on our behalf, and a gentleman we are working with in the city of New Braunfels, called us and told us he had received a call from Mrs. Andrade and whatever we did, whatever we said, she was very impressed by what we are doing. And to top that, he said I can remember just a few short months ago, when BRIDGETTE came to our offices and this whole thing began! This is my destiny... Monday, March 8, 2010 is a day I will remember forever.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Keep Your Head Above Water
One word describes how I feel; Monday. So many things going on at the same time. We have decided on the city we are going to relocate the business... We have set meetings with the Governors office.. Met with potential partners.. the ball is in motion. But for us it is a juggling game. The past couple of weeks have been filled with meeting after meeting. Personally we are hanging by a thread. We are are tredding trying to keep our heads barely above water. We have put everything on the line. There is nothing left to loose and only something to gain. The thing that keeps us alive and breathing is the fact that everyone we come into contact now is absolutely intrigued by the company as a whole. So we are going to make it through this. The larger the struggle and climb, the bigger the prize and gain will be. I will endure this ONLY because I believe. I believe in my husband. I believe in Livingston. I believe the LORD helps those who help themselves. I BELIEVE. But I pray we are almost to the shallow end because I am tiring quickly and don't know if I will be able to tread water forever.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
And The Beat Keeps Runnin
It is the infamous week of the big Vday. The week of LOVE. Those who have it spend way too much money, time and energy trying to find the right gift, flowers, card, etc, to remind the person they love. The ones who don't seem to get a little more lonely, and occassionally those who thank their lucky stars they are free to celebrate this "holiday" however they want. For me I am awaiting something the one I love has had for over a month now.. Something I have said I wanted in the past.. We shall see how well the Mr. does this year.
So many things starting to unfold for our dream. The more people I meet the more excited they are about what we are trying to accomplish and with my husband that task seems to grow each morning I wake up. But we are searching for a place to call home for our business. Many opportunities have presented themselves, now just time and our good LORD will tell us when and where. Trade shows, tournaments, meetings, travel, fishing, and new adventures are keeping our calendars full, rest to a minimum and free time almost at a stand still. But I have a feeling this has just begun, it's a brand new year and I am fully ready and positioned to rock it. For now just keep running race...
So many things starting to unfold for our dream. The more people I meet the more excited they are about what we are trying to accomplish and with my husband that task seems to grow each morning I wake up. But we are searching for a place to call home for our business. Many opportunities have presented themselves, now just time and our good LORD will tell us when and where. Trade shows, tournaments, meetings, travel, fishing, and new adventures are keeping our calendars full, rest to a minimum and free time almost at a stand still. But I have a feeling this has just begun, it's a brand new year and I am fully ready and positioned to rock it. For now just keep running race...
Monday, January 25, 2010
The Week I will Never Forget
Monday started off with meeting after meeting. But this wasn't just any ordinary week, this was the week we were preparing for one of the biggest days of our lives. We were preparing for a meeting at our State Capital on that Thursday. Tuesday came and went, more meetings, more preparation. Dropping off clothes to be altered, dry cleaned, shoes shined, haircuts. As Wednesday arrive, this was a memorable day for me. I had set up a meeting with a State run organization in Austin. Our team, which consists of my husband,CEO and our CTO were supposed to accompany me to this important meeting in Austin. At the last minute they were both called into a mandatory meeting. So as I am rushing up to Austin, I was so proud of myself because I was actually going to be 20 minutes early. But of course, it turns out I had the wrong address. As I finally reach my destination about 10 minutes after schedule and am frantic to find the right floor in the building. As the man I am supposed to meet approaches me, he walks me into a room with two other individuals in a conference style setting, and two guys on a conference call in the center of the table. I froze. Completly intimidated at this point. I quickly apologized for the tardiness and dove into a 30 minute meeting that was conducted by yours truly. It was this day I learned of the leader I was born to be. After attending each meeting I had made that week completly solo, I realized it is time to come out of the shadows, rise above, and take control. Wednesday came to a close, and I tried to give my husband everything he needed to prepare for his presentation the following day. It was late by the time I was done with all my errands, so I decided to pick up his favorite Chinese food. As we finished our meal, our ritual is to each pick a fortune cookie and read them aloud to eachother. For some strange reason we had gotten 3 fortune cookies this time. So we did our usual and opened our cookies and each read them to each other. His read something about not being able to read the future. My was a saying about a feather in your hat. Well as I am cleaning up my husband hands me the third cookie and says let's hold it together and break it at the same time. And right before we broke it in two he prayed,"Lord, please let this be a positive message for tomorrow." As he said that we broke the cookie in half and I read the message aloud for us. "Your present plans are going to succeed" And that was the end of the beginning of January 21st 2010.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Baby it's cold outside
The weekend has finally arrived and for us that means a little recharge, both physically and spiritually. If the first week of the year is any indication of the rest of the year, I believe it is going to be a hard run but the pay off is going to be more than my mind can grasp at this point. It has been unusually cold here in south Texas and according to the news across the US as well, calling it an Artic Blast. So this means more time inside, which is something I am not a big fan of. But the extra time inside is allowing me a chance to regroup and organize our lives in general. I believe it's always good to step back once in a while to collect myself, especially when 10 out of the 12 months in the year we move at over 100 mph. Take a deep breath, evaluate and fix what is out of order. In my 27 years of living experience so far, it has done me well. So as I step back and take in the big picture, I am refocused on the mission we are on.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
The End of the Beginning
So as the week comes to a close, I am extremely relieved. It has been one tough week. The husband and I are also detoxing from 2009. That means no alcohol, gym and steam every night, a little diet change, detox tea and lots of water. But so far so good, each day I feel the cleansing affects a little more. But at this point of the week, I am emotionally and physically drained..thank goodness tomorrow is Friday and recharge can begin.
Today was the deadline for our final presentation of our new project. Our mentor from a local University gave us the green light to head to out state capital. So now it is up to my husband to slam dunk the deal.. and if anybody knows him, that is exactly what he does best. The initial meeting is on Jan. 21st and that will be the final presentation that will lead us to the Governor. That will be the end of the beginning. The end of the process but the beginning of a whole new life, that we have been groomed, primed, prepared, and cleansed to receive.
Today was the deadline for our final presentation of our new project. Our mentor from a local University gave us the green light to head to out state capital. So now it is up to my husband to slam dunk the deal.. and if anybody knows him, that is exactly what he does best. The initial meeting is on Jan. 21st and that will be the final presentation that will lead us to the Governor. That will be the end of the beginning. The end of the process but the beginning of a whole new life, that we have been groomed, primed, prepared, and cleansed to receive.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
2010 is HERE!
The holidays are officially over. Kind of sad to see them go, but also ready to move on. The first day of the New Year was a bit of a gloomy one recovering from the night before and sober setting in. Looking back over 2009 I believe we are moving forward successfully. So many doors were opened, so much networking was completed, and many relationships made. But I have to admit, saying goodbye to 2009 was really easy. The majority of post New Years weekend was spent cleaning and preparing for 2010. Deep clean to start fresh..nothing better than the smell of bleach through out the house. Out with the old, in with the new. Fresh start, thankful to be alive, thankful for my husband, family and friends, and hopeful this year will bring us all that much closer. And now onto the first week of back to work... not too bad..the check list continues. Now working on a marketing plan for my husbands latest and greatest mind puzzle SAMI. How he comes up with these things you ask.. The gift of his mind is my final and only answer. We have our final presentation on January 21st and are very hopeful they are going to give us the funding. So back to work for me! Here's to a spectacular 2010!
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