As our official season is coming to a close, being in the industry we have learned this is the time the big boys come out to play. We have been across the state of Texas, made a hop over to Louisiana and we have one last major event in Lake Conroe Texas the first weekend in October. The last event we were a part of was the 5th Annual Fishing for Hope in South Padre Island, Texas. It came at just the right moment to lift our spirits, and let us know this indeed is the right path that we have choosen. The energy, the excitement and the group of people that were gathered there to represent Livingston was truly a sight to be seen! So as 2010 fishing season has come and almost gone, we have grown, expanded, traveled, sold, talked, demonstrated and burned the candle at both ends! As I take a deep breath and prepare for the next couple months of "down time" I think I have finally come to embrace the life of an entreprenuer. Although I never thought I would conform, being shown the path and the other side of the corporate world and I will do anything and everything possible to stay on the path that has been paved.