Saturday, October 23, 2010

Seasons are Changin'

I woke up this morning feeling excited. A little over cast outside, colder than usual inside my house and I can feel the season changing. The season of our lives.. I believe we are FINALLY moving onto a new journey. About a month ago, my mom and I were at lunch and she told me that she has been praying and the seasons will be changing for us. My mom is our biggest fan. Hands down, this beautiful lady appreciates every accomplishment, every small step, every encounter, and every meeting like no other one person. My mother picks me up when I think I could never ever get up, and inspires when I can't see through my tears. She has a powerful prayer. So today I feel what she had seen.
My favorite time of the year approaches and we begin to plan parties, get togethers, and holiday festivities. Our fishing season pushes into cruise control with us still sitting behind of the wheel of course, but travel is done. Now we start the action plan for next year. The husband and I have started our runs and long walks that we used to crave. These runs have been so important to our lives. It's an hour and a half.. no phones,, email, music, computers, tvs, people, nothing. Just him and I on the pavement reviewing our lives. It's a recap, inner circle meeting, advise, opinions and exercise... and it has been amazing. So many ideas, opportunities, and paths that have come to surface and to review them on a trail of fresh air and cool breeze is essential. It's time to move forward and Mr. and Mrs. Casta are being positioned to do just that. New business and whole new direction and something that I have felt since the first breakfast meeting attended.. this will carry into the level you envision. We have come to one conclusion together... work the hardest we have ever worked for the next year, sacrifice and pray the hardest we have ever prayed and have faith that this next season is a whole new level. I have an overwhelming peace about the whole thing... I am ready for the change.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Hmm.. it's Thursday. It's been a really busy week. But more of an annoying busy. It is officially fall here in South Texas and we are LOVING the weather. It's been a little hectic in the Casta household. Now that Livingston's super busy season is simmering and by simmering about to boil and potentially blow up bigger than we could have ever imagined, in other words working on some huge things which could change the way we do business forever. We picked up two more large distributors that cover 6 more states which is forward movement pushing through the season. With that said, we are now exploring, while we wait for Livingston to boil. Something new has come along with the StethoCleanse, Roberts idea that he owns the patent to, I had mentioned a couple of blogs ago. A person that we have known for years has stepped up to the plate and he may just hit it out park for us. I will update when there is ink on paper. The medical industry. Interesting to see how this unfolds, may be the answers to our prayers, could be the change I have been feeling, believe this could be magical. But I am not afraid to get on my knees and pray whatever it is we are supposed to be doing. I am excited, we are going into my absolute favorite time of the year, so much to look forward to and to see what the rest of the year is going to bear. As for me, I am looking into non profit work, something that has been heavy on my heart for the holidays and now have looked into for a temporary position. Trying to focus on enjoying the life we are in now, the journey to the place where we have imagined, so we appreciate every second with eachother, our families and our friends we couldn't survive without.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Last Big Event = Success

We had our last "big" event of the year at this years Toyota Bass Classic. This is where all of the top 50 freshwater pros come out and fish against eachother.. just like the superbowl for football. We packed our LL mobile and headed to Lake Conroe. As we arrived one day early to set up they had given us the most perfect spot! Right at the entrance where people have to pass us on the way in and the way out. We could see the stage where four concerts took place and we ended up with some really cool neighbors for the weekend.
Friday was the first tournament and we made it for the weigh in at this really cool bar and grill right on the water. As we made our way to the back patio where it was all happening an editor for a Texas magazine was heading back to interview KVD.. which is one of the best guys in the industry. He saw Robert and asked if he could be interviewed right after on his radio show. I thought that was a nice touch to start the weekend off right. Saturday came and went we sold a bunch of bait, met some great folks AND my little sister and her new beau came out to show a little support which was a bonus for us! Sunday rolled around and we were going at full steam ahead until about 7 and then it was time to get outta dodge. We packed it up with the help of some of LL's Pro Staff which took us literally no time because of all the helping hands. Home and snug in our bed by 2am just in time to get a little shut eye and catch our breath for the next weeks adventures. We met pros, had some fun, saw some fam, and made some money.. We call that a complete SUCCESS