Thursday, September 15, 2011
I will Shine The Light
Yesterday afternoon, I was heading over to the office and as I stopped at a stoplight a couple of miles away there was a man holding a sign. A common sight on some of the street corners, a person asking for help. At first I was irritated, thinking why couldn't he just get a job at McDonalds.. delivering newspapers.. ANYTHING at all!!! And at that moment I looked right into this individuals eyes. For some reason my heart sank and I felt a pang of pity. I had to look away immediately because I had nothing to offer. No money, no food, nothing. But as I looked into my side mirror, I saw something that absolutely touched my heart enough to bring tears down my cheeks. A man that didn't look much better than the one standing on the side of the road asking for help, pulls up in an older truck. He then rolled his window down, handed the man a wad of cash and patted him on the back. I have no idea what was exchanged between the two, but this small, insignificant experience that I watched through my side mirror inspired me.
After a long work day and dinner is made, my husband and I sit down for dinner. As my husband is praying and thanking GOD for everything he is doing in our lives, he begins to talk about us being able to share what we have been given to others, not just family and friends. Wow. This couldn't be more fitting.
I have been inspired. Inspired to be a better person to those around me and those I don't know. To share some of the Gods grace with people who have soo much less than I do. Those who struggle to find their way each and every day and don't have a single soul to turn to. When those people think that there is no hope left. When someone is living their darkest hour, I WILL SHINE THE LIGHT. It is time. Time to make it right. To bring light to so much darkness in this world.
To be continued...........
Thursday, August 11, 2011
She is with Us..

I decided I needed to make an entry since it's been a little while, but as I sit here with everything racing through our lives at the moment there is nothing in particular coming to mind. EXCEPT.. we just made a trip up north, to the farthest point north in the United States. This is where my father happened to be raised. My grandmother passed away a year ago this past July and my grandfather back in 2006. Both funerals I was unable to attend. For various reasons, business travel, graduating college and starting my new job, that has always tugged at my heart. I was never able to completely say goodbye. Well in my grandmothers last days she made her children, my dad and his brother and sisters, promise to try and come together at least once a year. So this year, honoring their mothers words, we gathered a couple weeks ago where they grew up. Since my dad's brother lives in New Hampshire we often opt to fly into that airport and make the drive from New Hampshire to the tip of northern Maine. I never really knew how much history my dad had with each of the surrounding cities on the drive up, but it became very clear of it and everything he experienced growing up. So as we continued the 8 hour drive up to our destination, we were already in the great state of Maine and all of the sudden I looked straight ahead and what did I see? One of the most beautiful rainbows I have ever seen. One that you could see each and every color so distinctly and bright. It stretched across the entire sky in front of us. As we drove it slowly drifted to our right side and then we began to see the entire rainbow complete from one end to the other. It was the most magical rainbow right here for us to see. Just as it began to fade my dad reminded us of what was on my grandmothers memory card that was given at her funeral. Behind the picture of her lyes a huge rainbow through the entire card. It was at that moment I knew that my sweet Memere was there with us that day and continues to shine her bright colored lights over us every day we are here. What a memory.. We miss you soo much Memere and Pepere but you were definitely there celebrating the love you passed on to your children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. I will never forget the rainbow we saw on our journey up to Maine that day.

Saturday, July 23, 2011
I was given the fabulous opportunity of being a middle sister. I have an older sister and a younger sister. I read a quote the other day.. "If you don't understand how a woman could both love her sister dearly and want to wring her neck at the same time, then you were probably an only child." I could not put it better myself. In our house there was never a dull moment with three sisters. Growing up my oldest sister and I are only a year apart, so we fought, competed, shared friends, shared clothes, stuck up for each other, went against one another, told secrets, planned escapes, shared rooms, and experienced life two very different girls raised in the very same family. Its funny how totally opposite the two of us are, but how many similarities we share now that we are older. My little sister is seven years younger than me. Now she stands inches taller than me, but she will always be my little sister. The youngest, the baby who I picked on, teased, took everywhere, played with, fought for, hugged on, prayed for, and couldn't be more proud of. Always the quiet one, go with the flow so she didn't have to go against the current of the other two girls who had enough strong will for the entire neighborhood. Sisters. It's funny how whenever you talk to anyone about memories including your best friends, husbands, children, family members, no one understands it quite the same as your sister. These are the two people I love enough to say exactly what it is I am thinking, my opinion for them to make them look better, be better, or feel better. We argue at the drop of a hat, we snap at each other often, most importantly we can be just who we are to each other and know at the end of the day we will always be together. And as I get older and life gets more complicated I am so grateful that I have these two beautiful women to call my sisters.

Sunday, June 12, 2011
Who Knew
I would have never have guessed this is what the adult life was all about. I just always thought when I was little.. I want to be an adult NOW.. be able to do WHATEVER I want, WHENEVER I want. Well the reality is.. unless you do not work, are not married or in a relationship, do not have children, or have any other obligation you are responsible for... this could possibly apply to you. Well when I am not working on one of the amazing businesses that keep my world very crazy.. I am working on our lives. You see how that works.. I am a wife so it is very important that I work on OUR lives :) Our home, which happen to house two of my favorite beings in the world, Zoe and Charma, our dogs. That statement in itself sums up so much for all of the dog owners out there. Its seems as though right as I get my home just the way I like it, spic and span, it is dirtied up by my two furry children. Work, home, family, friends... life. Whew.. makes my head spin just sitting here writing this. So if you were to ask me 15, even 10 years ago if I thought this is what is was like to be an adult I would never in a million years have thought this. The daily shuffle. Who would have ever thought! For me every day changes. Different duties, errands, tasks and journey's to be completed. Bills, home renovations, travel, business dinners, lures, medical devices, oil and gas, networking, work outs, and sleep give this Texas girl just enough time to sit still for a moment to take it all in. In all of this, I am learning along the way, forgiving and forgetting, building my faith, and realizing that this is no dress rehearsal we are in... but the real thing and right now I am working on living just that way.
Friday, June 10, 2011
I can do all things through him who strengthens me. Phil 4:13
And here we lie. It's now summer, the heat is on, the schools are out and the work has piled on. It seems as though our lives are being laid out for us as we live them. As I am approaching the last year of my 20's, life to me has taken on a whole new meaning. It's not all about the hustle and bustle and where we are going to end up when the weekend arrives. It's not all about the latest and greatest toys. And now the part that's most trying.. it's not all about working and working to no end. The perspective has changed. My family has become priority, making my own family is becoming reality. And as my outlook continues to change there are things that are just not that important to me and things that I have picked up, dusted off and now treasure more than anything in life. It's funny how that works. But the scariest part is the change. The inevitable change, the fear of the unknown. But I have something called faith and that carries me where no man could ever. And as this new found light surfaces, I am beginning to see my future, my children, our businesses and when that happens I can't help but to smile from the inside out. But as I paint this glorious picture, there isn't a day that goes by that I am not challenged to my marrow, I am not confronted with problems, I am not faced with conflict, I am not side swiped by the devil, and I am not pushed to my near breaking points. Although I know in my heart that the storms don't last forever... And I absolutely LOVE the rainbows that come after. And without them, I would not have the knowledge to mend, I would not be the wife, mother, sister, daughter and friend I was born to be. So as I sit here writing, I am content in knowing that although this world is one crazy intense one, I am shining here in my small little world, pushing forward and progressing in order to fulfill this plan. The beautiful part of this plan is that we have absolutely no control over.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Life's a dance.. you learn as you go
Life as I once knew it has been altered completely. It has gone from doing one thing the fishing lure business.. pushing and climbing to the top of that industry, to now taking on so many directions sometimes I feel as though my head might spin off. And if I thought I was being challenged before, the joke is on me. Not only have I entered into two totally different businesses, for the first time in a long time, I am learning an industry I have no clue about.
First I was presented a job in the oil and gas industry. Couldn't have been happier to have the opportunity to work side by side with not only our business partners but my husbands family most importantly. This job was challenging to me because I had to be there at 7am sharp. Not only did I have to be there earlier than I was used to waking up since college, but it was a 45 minute commute. In my mind,for this opportunity that was definitely the small stuff and I wasn't about to sweat it. I got into my groove, and started to like waking up at the crack of dawn to arrive sharply at 7am. I was absorbing everthing anyone at the office had to offer about the business. Understanding more and more the process of how everything works. Easier than I ever imagined it could be and more glamerous than just crude oil. I was settling in nicely to my new gig and was really getting the hang of this incredible field.
Not two weeks go by and my husband comes home with something for me to think about. A new business partner that we have known for years, has an offer for me. How can this be, I just started this brand new opportunity, I thought this was the path that had been paved?? Not so clear now. This new offer sounded too good to be true and all for little ole me? After a weekend of careful thought and consideration, I decided I would just go and entertain the idea and see what the position really had to offer. Well the offer was more than perfect and could lead into a world that I have never tapped into. So before my logic could stop my emotions, I was all in. Except for the fact that I had just taken on a position that I could only dream about. What was I going to do?!? Pray. And I did just that. I prayed and prayed for the answer to this situation, definitely not a problem but sticky situation. A position created just for me in oil and gas, that I had just gotten my feet wet in, and this other position in the medical industry which could lead to something amazing. Where was my place in all of this.. I surely had no clue. Well the answer became clear and I knew what I had to do.
It was the end of the week and I had to let my "boss" know what was going on because the medical company needed me to start the very next Monday for training. I was nervous, anxious, and hesitant but I finally got the words out. And what I thought was going to be dissapointment and frustration turned into something inspiring and inspirational and that was the beginning of the end. I would continue on and pursue both industry's oil and gas and the medical field.
I am now in my second week at my new endeavor and feeling more comfortable than the first. I know each week will be easier than the previous, but I am learning more now than all four plus years of college and then some. But I have to always remember.. "life is an incredible dance, sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow.. don't worry about what you don't know.. you learn as you go."
First I was presented a job in the oil and gas industry. Couldn't have been happier to have the opportunity to work side by side with not only our business partners but my husbands family most importantly. This job was challenging to me because I had to be there at 7am sharp. Not only did I have to be there earlier than I was used to waking up since college, but it was a 45 minute commute. In my mind,for this opportunity that was definitely the small stuff and I wasn't about to sweat it. I got into my groove, and started to like waking up at the crack of dawn to arrive sharply at 7am. I was absorbing everthing anyone at the office had to offer about the business. Understanding more and more the process of how everything works. Easier than I ever imagined it could be and more glamerous than just crude oil. I was settling in nicely to my new gig and was really getting the hang of this incredible field.
Not two weeks go by and my husband comes home with something for me to think about. A new business partner that we have known for years, has an offer for me. How can this be, I just started this brand new opportunity, I thought this was the path that had been paved?? Not so clear now. This new offer sounded too good to be true and all for little ole me? After a weekend of careful thought and consideration, I decided I would just go and entertain the idea and see what the position really had to offer. Well the offer was more than perfect and could lead into a world that I have never tapped into. So before my logic could stop my emotions, I was all in. Except for the fact that I had just taken on a position that I could only dream about. What was I going to do?!? Pray. And I did just that. I prayed and prayed for the answer to this situation, definitely not a problem but sticky situation. A position created just for me in oil and gas, that I had just gotten my feet wet in, and this other position in the medical industry which could lead to something amazing. Where was my place in all of this.. I surely had no clue. Well the answer became clear and I knew what I had to do.
It was the end of the week and I had to let my "boss" know what was going on because the medical company needed me to start the very next Monday for training. I was nervous, anxious, and hesitant but I finally got the words out. And what I thought was going to be dissapointment and frustration turned into something inspiring and inspirational and that was the beginning of the end. I would continue on and pursue both industry's oil and gas and the medical field.
I am now in my second week at my new endeavor and feeling more comfortable than the first. I know each week will be easier than the previous, but I am learning more now than all four plus years of college and then some. But I have to always remember.. "life is an incredible dance, sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow.. don't worry about what you don't know.. you learn as you go."
Monday, March 7, 2011
I ask for strength and I am given difficulties to make me strong
It is now March! I have been a little behind on my blogging so here is a quick catch up. LL is now bigger and better than ever. On top of working my husbands brilliant masterpiece, we have both taken on new endeavors. Him being in the medical industry and myself beginning in oil and gas. I am beyond excited about the opportunities that are on the horizon and I thank God every morning for what he has put into our paths. With that being said we have never been pulled in so many directions at one time and wish there was some guide to life, instruction manual, google map, or some sort of reference that I could just peek at to make sure we are still between the lines. I have never been more sure and more confused than at this very junction in time. But this Leo does not weary without a good fight and you better believe there will be some scratching a clawing at this mountain called life.
It is crazy how when you get to different stages in your life things begin to take a whole new meaning. I remember years ago when March came that meant spring break.. bathing suits, beach and fun. Now a days it means fishing season officially kicks off and we are in motion.
We have just returned from Houston Texas where we did the 36th annual fishing show. Overall it was a very beneficial, almost must do show for us. The contacts we made happen to be incredible and to top that we got to move some product. The industry is beginning to get smaller and smaller and we are starting to learn everyone in it. And the overall consensus, this is such a good ole boy industry and everyone wants a piece. For us, we really hit the pavement last year, and so FINALLY we are beginning to be noticed. We really worked hard at this one. And since we have not been on the road since the end of last year, this particular one really took a tole on us physically. The amount of work both mentally and physically is unreal. For 9 hours a day , we put on our suits and get to selling. We talk to literally hundreds of fishermen, both novice and professional. Fresh water and saltwater, young and old. My partner/husband and I have gotten our whole groove down with eachother that when someone else comes around to help our perfect motion is somehow slowed. We have it down to a science, how many minutes someone should be in our booth, how to close them and the list goes on. As I write it down, I am laughing because of the complete truth behind it. I learned so much in the 5 days we worked that show. One of the things was, this is some bonifide hard work. With lack of sleep, skipped meals and constant networking we finished strong. I am so proud of the partnership that we have and no matter where we go in life, which direction we end up I know together, this pair is a match to be dealt with. During the travel and crazy work I complain, get grouchy, bicker and feel completely exhausted but as we cross the bridge and finish what we started it is the most indescribable feeling ever.. We did it is the only way i can put it into words.
It is crazy how when you get to different stages in your life things begin to take a whole new meaning. I remember years ago when March came that meant spring break.. bathing suits, beach and fun. Now a days it means fishing season officially kicks off and we are in motion.
We have just returned from Houston Texas where we did the 36th annual fishing show. Overall it was a very beneficial, almost must do show for us. The contacts we made happen to be incredible and to top that we got to move some product. The industry is beginning to get smaller and smaller and we are starting to learn everyone in it. And the overall consensus, this is such a good ole boy industry and everyone wants a piece. For us, we really hit the pavement last year, and so FINALLY we are beginning to be noticed. We really worked hard at this one. And since we have not been on the road since the end of last year, this particular one really took a tole on us physically. The amount of work both mentally and physically is unreal. For 9 hours a day , we put on our suits and get to selling. We talk to literally hundreds of fishermen, both novice and professional. Fresh water and saltwater, young and old. My partner/husband and I have gotten our whole groove down with eachother that when someone else comes around to help our perfect motion is somehow slowed. We have it down to a science, how many minutes someone should be in our booth, how to close them and the list goes on. As I write it down, I am laughing because of the complete truth behind it. I learned so much in the 5 days we worked that show. One of the things was, this is some bonifide hard work. With lack of sleep, skipped meals and constant networking we finished strong. I am so proud of the partnership that we have and no matter where we go in life, which direction we end up I know together, this pair is a match to be dealt with. During the travel and crazy work I complain, get grouchy, bicker and feel completely exhausted but as we cross the bridge and finish what we started it is the most indescribable feeling ever.. We did it is the only way i can put it into words.
Monday, January 24, 2011
If it makes you happy, then why the hell are you soo sad?
Well the first month of the new year is coming to a close. And what a fantastic start it was. We have worked hard, prayed even harder and are starting to see our harvest bare fruit.
But as I write this my mind wanders to all of the other facets in life. Love, friendship, marriage, relationships, family.. and I am left with all of these thoughts running through my head. Some relationships are failing, others are on the mend, others want to find love so bad they are missing out on the life around them, while some have love right in front of them and have no idea. Friends are coming and going and the lifelong ones begin to take form. Family beginning to fill the spots of those friends now in the distant past. As I hear story after story about struggles and happiness, uniting and new opportunities, I can't help but to have an opinion about it all.
I believe life is this long battle we have to get through. Sometimes we are in the trenches fighting front line combat and then at other moments we are sitting high in the horizons maintaining the battle ground. Then there are the glorious days where we have conquered the opponents and the battle has ended for now. I believe we were given partners to help in this battle called life. This partner should be your number one, your right hand man (or woman), the one who makes this incredible journey bearable. When one is down the other is up. When one is defeated, the other is triumphant. The partnership becomes one unit and absolutely nothing or no one person can come between that inner unit. Your unit against the world. With the odds already against us, why do we so often cling to those who create more battles??
I also believe with my whole heart that my partner was divinely delivered onto my path by NO mistake. As I stumbled through my final years of college, between work, school, boys and the night life, my husband made his way into my life. If you ask him how we met, he will tell you that he had been praying and praying for his Mrs. and along I came. My mom would pray for a "nice young man" to settle this young Leo. The prayers were heard and answered. This unit is solid, secure.. and sealed with Gods approval. I will endure any battle with this partner by my side. That being said, we are continuously attacked on a daily basis, our bond tested to absolute breaking points. But we will NEVER let it break. To date, this is the hardest challenge of my life.
But as I write this my mind wanders to all of the other facets in life. Love, friendship, marriage, relationships, family.. and I am left with all of these thoughts running through my head. Some relationships are failing, others are on the mend, others want to find love so bad they are missing out on the life around them, while some have love right in front of them and have no idea. Friends are coming and going and the lifelong ones begin to take form. Family beginning to fill the spots of those friends now in the distant past. As I hear story after story about struggles and happiness, uniting and new opportunities, I can't help but to have an opinion about it all.
I believe life is this long battle we have to get through. Sometimes we are in the trenches fighting front line combat and then at other moments we are sitting high in the horizons maintaining the battle ground. Then there are the glorious days where we have conquered the opponents and the battle has ended for now. I believe we were given partners to help in this battle called life. This partner should be your number one, your right hand man (or woman), the one who makes this incredible journey bearable. When one is down the other is up. When one is defeated, the other is triumphant. The partnership becomes one unit and absolutely nothing or no one person can come between that inner unit. Your unit against the world. With the odds already against us, why do we so often cling to those who create more battles??
I also believe with my whole heart that my partner was divinely delivered onto my path by NO mistake. As I stumbled through my final years of college, between work, school, boys and the night life, my husband made his way into my life. If you ask him how we met, he will tell you that he had been praying and praying for his Mrs. and along I came. My mom would pray for a "nice young man" to settle this young Leo. The prayers were heard and answered. This unit is solid, secure.. and sealed with Gods approval. I will endure any battle with this partner by my side. That being said, we are continuously attacked on a daily basis, our bond tested to absolute breaking points. But we will NEVER let it break. To date, this is the hardest challenge of my life.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
If you're ready to exceed your current plateau, take the plunge.
Before officially starting the new year of work and businesses and the hustle and bustle of our lives I wanted to just look back over 2010. We started the year with a new project.. amped and hit the ground running. We stirred up commotion in the Texas Governors office and made some friends. We went in front of a committee from the State of Texas and met day in and day out with the University perfecting my husbands new idea. After running with that until the beginning of March began fishing season. Advertising, donations, fishing tournaments, pro staffers and list goes on! The tradeshows, conventions, expos and traveling began. The intense schedule of packing and unpacking, loading and unloading we became the carni people we used to make fun of. On top of selling to Walmart and tackle and bait stores we managed the business side of things as well, attending mixers, seminars and other networking events weekly. After our yearly trip to Vegas for the largest fishing convention in the US, our travel began to slow. We had our last main event the first weekend in October. After that event took place it was smooth sailing into the the holiday season. But of course not in the Casta household. We picked up a patent and dusted the brilliant idea off. We then began pushing the medical industry.. testing the waters, attending industry events. This past was trying to the bone, exhausting beyond belief and much more intense than the last. 2010 was a year God heard millions of my prayers, maybe even billions :) But now I can say our prayers WERE HEARD! As the year came to a close so many opportunities were put in our path. I have never been more excited for our future and what will unfold. I can only imagine where we will be a year from now but have the sweetest idea. I am so very happy to say goodbye but appreciate the growth i have endured. 2010 thank you for preparing me for 2011.. I am fully ready to take the plunge.
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