Thursday, September 12, 2013
Remembering, Learning, Aging
Also on this day 80 years ago my Grandmother, my mothers mother was born. 80 years old. We will all get there. God willing of course. This one lady is such a piece of our family puzzle. She is my Panamanian Grandma and I think 80 years of having her a part of this world is definitely worth celebrating. We will be having a bash for sure.
What a day today was.. remembering, reflecting and appreciating where I am and who is around. I am not getting any younger, time seems to be winning as usual so days like this are good for me. They shake me back to the real world and make me refocus my energy on what this deal is all about. Theres alot happening in this world and under this roof itself.. theres some magic brewing, blessed.
Monday, August 26, 2013
I Don't Believe in Coincidences
This is how it started: I got a text from a person who I share this crazy easy bond with. Someone who has a light that has always been a part of my life.. near and very far but always there. This lady has overcome the world.. you name it.. she has conquered it. It was time this friend found her match. I had known this man she spoke of was different. Her voice was different, her decisions seemed different, her whole being seemed different. And if you asked me what different meant, I would never be able to describe. Mind you, I have never ever met this man before. For me, I always try to give the benefit of the doubt in every single relationship. There is a reason I am with who I am with and others chose their companions... period. Sometimes I understand the match and sometimes I will never know why on earth two individuals are together. But there again, anyone in the world could peek into my life and think the exact same.. the bottom line is I know without a doubt. So the text came through about a month ago. My friend had decided to take the plunge. They decided they wanted to be married and would be doing it in aprox 3-4 weeks. I immediately felt the need to be there. Even if no one else showed up, I wanted to be there. But the magic begun here. I looked at my husband who was traveling the whole month of August and told him my sweet friend will be getting married and here is the date. Without even flinching, asking when, where, what.. he said we will be there. I was a little confused at his reaction myself because he wasn't even checking his calendar. But just that little action and how well him and I are connected I knew he felt it too. We HAD to be there.
Flying in we had no idea what to expect and that was actually a breathe of fresh air. We were just playing it by ear.. whatever the plans we were there. So as we were awaiting the night time plans, visiting with another dear friend the soon to be bride and groom swooped in quickly before getting their kids settled. One quick hello and I knew this was going to be good. The night before the big day came and went.. people celebrated with them, drinks were flowing. My favorite part was that we were the last 4 standing, (or kind of standing at this point) having breakfast at 2am in a Denny's without a care in the world other than sharing that delicious grease with these two people. After spending just a short couple of hours I got "them". Their perfectly imperfect bond that will hold them until the end.
The next day it's wedding time.. feeling the affects of the previous evening.. but making a decision that I will overcome with a little caffeine and food. And it's time. We are heading to the venue they have picked, in a bus filled with a small, very random group of individuals and I just looked around and felt pure happiness in this little bus. As we walk into this cool little eclectic art studio it began. These feelings of magic and just plain love. The love between the people gathered, the love for my friend, and just different families gathered to watch this family become one unit. I have never been to a wedding and felt that. Mostly because they are normally big weddings, you talk to the people you know and there are so many people gathered you miss a lot of the intimate details. Everything felt so casual, no rushing around, no stressful time crunches, just doing their thing. At last, the ceremony begins. I had offered to video because I knew they needed this moment captured on tape. I am so glad I did. I stood behind watching this family up there in the most perfect lighting, uniting with their 3 girls standing next to them thru this camera lens...incredible. The tears just began falling.. I could not stop them. I looked over at my husband sitting in the front row all by himself literally and fell in love all over again. After peeling my eyes off of him, I looked around the room and it seems I wasn't the only one that was completely touched by this love. From where I was standing there was a whole lot of emotion. I loved everything about these 48 hours of magic. The love shared, the memories made, the bonds tightened, this was definitely no coincidence. We were meant to be in that very moment no doubt.. for them, for us and every glimpse of hope that pure love is alive and well.
Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. and thank you for more than you might ever know.
Friday, August 9, 2013
The Time has Come
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
THE Trip
Friday, June 28, 2013
And so the legend begins....
I do not have the words to describe how proud, happy and excited I am about this dream becoming a reality. So I will leave it at that.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
New Soul
I'm a new soul
I came to this strange world
Hoping I could learn a bit about how to give and take
But since I came here
Felt the joy and the fear
Finding myself making every possible mistake
Just then it started to sprinkle. At first I kind of freaked out, I have my baby here with me and we are going to get drenched. But then it did not pick up, just a slow sprinkle, enough for her to get a few raindrops on her legs and me to get a little damp by the time we reached home. But I picked up the speed to a full on sprint. Just in case it did start down pouring. By the time we got home and under cover I was completely out of breathe and felt this deep cleanse I had just experienced and to make it just a trillion times better, my sweet girl was there to experience with me. Obviously she had no clue what was happening, but when I went to get her out, she did not want to leave that stroller. It was like she felt it too. These sprinkles of rain combined with the words of that song and everything that is going on in my life and people around me twirled me into such a good mood. Like a breathe of fresh air. My young soul is still alive and well, but with age the theory that you know it all kind of fades, and a new prospective starts to creep in. For me, it's learning to live. Just live in the moment. Appreciating people and their stories, their experiences, but learning we will all have different stories in the end. I am convinced we will have quite the story. Feeling so thankful after this sprinkle cleanse with my best friend by my side.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
My Perfect Mess
As I look back thru this blog and where we came from and where we are I am nothing short of completely humbled. Humbled by God's grace and completely in awe of His work. I always hear things happen in His time, well for me when I need/want something right now, that isn't exactly what I have in mind for encouragement. But it is times like these when I look back at how things have turned out I know with every ounce of my being that it is totally His timing. We just spent the entire weekend with the Livingston gang. The guys worked and the ladies played. But this was the first time I got to see first hand the insane crazy totally different company that has transformed before my eyes. I mean there were people walking around the resort in Livingston I have never seen in my entire life. Like the cool new brand to be wearing. Wait.. WHAT?!?!? Then the divine coincidences the entire weekend, gives me goose bumps. My husband, the inventor and creator of Livingston. That statement right there makes me the most proud, insanely grateful, and inspired wife I could ever be. I mean we talk about all of the paths we could have taken. Or maybe should have taken. And even talk about the paths that we have to choose from in this very moment. But even those paths are changing by the second, the minute. And new ones are transforming. I don't know much about where we are headed but I can't help but to smile cause either way things are getting GREAT! But on our way to the great.. there are piles of mess and burdens, small annoying things that should not even occupy 1 second of my time. But this is my perfect mess. It was a game changing weekend.. I learned so much about people and my family and where we belong I think the cost of the entire trip is immeasurable. Onward and upward thru the piles to where He has seen all along.
This picture is so us.. Emma is in her own world.. looks like Robert is checking the time cause he is bound to be late for something, and then me trying to keep it all together.. Would not trade this for the world.. our perfect mess
Monday, May 20, 2013
My Dear Child.. Happy 1 Year of Life