Tuesday, May 28, 2013

My Perfect Mess

As I look back thru this blog and where we came from and where we are I am nothing short of completely humbled. Humbled by God's grace and completely in awe of His work. I always hear things happen in His time, well for me when I need/want something right now, that isn't exactly what I have in mind for encouragement. But it is times like these when I look back at how things have turned out I know with every ounce of my being that it is totally His timing. We just spent the entire weekend with the Livingston gang. The guys worked and the ladies played. But this was the first time I got to see first hand the insane crazy totally different company that has transformed before my eyes. I mean there were people walking around the resort in Livingston I have never seen in my entire life. Like the cool new brand to be wearing. Wait.. WHAT?!?!? Then the divine coincidences the entire weekend, gives me goose bumps. My husband, the inventor and creator of Livingston. That statement right there makes me the most proud, insanely grateful, and inspired wife I could ever be. I mean we talk about all of the paths we could have taken. Or maybe should have taken. And even talk about the paths that we have to choose from in this very moment. But even those paths are changing by the second, the minute. And new ones are transforming. I don't know much about where we are headed but I can't help but to smile cause either way things are getting GREAT! But on our way to the great.. there are piles of mess and burdens, small annoying things that should not even occupy 1 second of my time. But this is my perfect mess. It was a game changing weekend.. I learned so much about people and my family and where we belong I think the cost of the entire trip is immeasurable. Onward and upward thru the piles to where He has seen all along.

This picture is so us.. Emma is in her own world.. looks like Robert is checking the time cause he is bound to be late for something, and then me trying to keep it all together.. Would not trade this for the world.. our perfect mess

Monday, May 20, 2013

My Dear Child.. Happy 1 Year of Life

My Emmalynn Faith, You have come into this crazy world and forever changed it. You have been a constant light not only for Mommy and Daddy but our whole family. Every day I wake up and the first thing I do is thank God for your beautiful soul. It has been the honor of my life to watch you grow each and every day. To come into your own, learning, exploring and testing. Daddy had a vision before you were born of a blonde haired, colored eyed baby playing with him and my sweet baby you have fulfilled that piece of his heart. You will forever be the angel that saved our lives. You have taught me more in the past year than the 30 years I have lived on his earth. The most important things in Mommy's life became crystal clear. I want you to know that no matter where you go, what you become, the mistakes you make, the successes you encounter, Mommy and Daddy will always be your number 1 fans. We will be here for you when you think there is no one else, my love. I will do my best to protect you for the rest of my life, but the truth is I won't be able to protect you forever. You will be thrown into this world just like we all are, but I am confident Daddy and I will do our very best to make sure you are as prepared as we can get you. My sweet angel the world is a tough place, but I have no doubt in my mind that you will learn to conquer it with stride. Daddy has been praying over you since you were in Mommy's tummy that you will live a long prosperous life and although we hope not for a very very long time, to find a man worthy of your complete beauty. My first born baby girl, you are the best part of my life. Your personality has made it's way out and you are a fireball. My child, I pray you use that fire to make a difference in this world. We will give you the proper tools and leave it to God and you baby to make this happen. As I look back over this past year, my heart is so full sometimes I think it might explode with the purest love there is. Emmalynn, you are Mommy's best friend, we will continue this journey together and I promise to be the best I can possibly be because you my darling girl, deserve only the best. I love you forever daughter.. Happy 1st birthday my baby. Your Mommy.