Wednesday, April 14, 2010

By the Hair of my Chiny Chin

And so the saga continues. As last week came to a close.. I had a small awakening and decided to hit the ground again. An interesting concept, it seems more things tend to be in motion when we are out making the motion. A given seeing as we are the team, the duo, Mr. and Mrs. LL, THE ONLY ONES WORKING THE BUSINESS. So let's see what we can stir up this Spring.

It is mid April.. things are steady.. there are no big waves that we can spot as of now. This week might prove to be another life changing date for the books, but these days I prefer to believe it when I see it...which may sound clichee and a bit overdramatic but this year this fish has been led to so much water but no one will let me swim..yet. Investor meetings, banking meetings, and business mixers consume our week.

Onward we move, faith intact, solid bond still here, health 100%.. let's make some money.. and if it's not too much to ask get out on the water in the very near future.

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