Friday, June 10, 2011

I can do all things through him who strengthens me. Phil 4:13

And here we lie. It's now summer, the heat is on, the schools are out and the work has piled on. It seems as though our lives are being laid out for us as we live them. As I am approaching the last year of my 20's, life to me has taken on a whole new meaning. It's not all about the hustle and bustle and where we are going to end up when the weekend arrives. It's not all about the latest and greatest toys. And now the part that's most trying.. it's not all about working and working to no end. The perspective has changed. My family has become priority, making my own family is becoming reality. And as my outlook continues to change there are things that are just not that important to me and things that I have picked up, dusted off and now treasure more than anything in life. It's funny how that works. But the scariest part is the change. The inevitable change, the fear of the unknown. But I have something called faith and that carries me where no man could ever. And as this new found light surfaces, I am beginning to see my future, my children, our businesses and when that happens I can't help but to smile from the inside out. But as I paint this glorious picture, there isn't a day that goes by that I am not challenged to my marrow, I am not confronted with problems, I am not faced with conflict, I am not side swiped by the devil, and I am not pushed to my near breaking points. Although I know in my heart that the storms don't last forever... And I absolutely LOVE the rainbows that come after. And without them, I would not have the knowledge to mend, I would not be the wife, mother, sister, daughter and friend I was born to be. So as I sit here writing, I am content in knowing that although this world is one crazy intense one, I am shining here in my small little world, pushing forward and progressing in order to fulfill this plan. The beautiful part of this plan is that we have absolutely no control over.

1 comment:

  1. I love you and I am so proud to call you friend. You are a magical woman and your strength, faith and support are so valuable.
    And shoosh... 30 is less than two months away for me... I don't have much more time to reflect.
