Tuesday, April 16, 2013

All of these lines across my face..

For just a quick second my life was consumed with just that MY life. My beautiful gift that comes in a tiny little package of a precious baby girl. My husband. My work. Business. And there is absolutely nothing I love more than these things, but then a dear friend of mine recommended a book she thought I might like. Carry on Warrior. Wow. Period. Insanely inspired. Period. Every single person in this world is living and fighting and dreaming and coping and dealing just like we are. It's like someone gave me a pair of glasses to see the world. I have a bad habit of pre judging people. Oh that person is soo lucky.. they have this or poor thing look what they don't have. But now that I have my new world glasses I can see something different. Maybe that person just lost their brother, sister, mother etc. Just maybe he or she is overcoming some life tragedy, addiction, fear, financial, divorce, or just plain fighting themselves. I have personally made a decision. I am no longer going to sugar coat things. Life is hard. Plain and simple. Sometimes we are up and sometimes we are down. In the times I am up, I am going to try and bring everyone I encounter up with me. When I am down, I will depend on those people thru God to bring me up with them, because Lord knows as soon as I'm soaring high on the up, the down is right around the corner waiting for me. And this is life. I used to ask my husband, "why does life have to be so hard?" and he would simply say, because life IS hard. So instead of pretending life isn't hard I'm just going to embrace all facets, the good, bad and the ugly. And know that whichever phase I am in, God is with me. But I have realized there are small little pieces of Gods magic that shine thru every day, every week, every month and every year that make the hard parts seem less hard. It's like how I explain being pregnant. I had a very non complicated pregnancy. Easy. It was smooth sailing. Labor was the same way. But I have to make it known, I am not one who LOVES being pregnant. It is uncomfortable, you loose all control of your body and it's a bitch to get that baby weight off. And who wants to be at a hospital, hooked up to God knows what, awaiting the total unknown and thrown completely out of your element?? But the pure and astounding magic that comes from that entire process makes the rest of the process disappear. Totally forgotten. Even though being pregnant is not my thing.. I would do it over and over and over again to experience God's magic that awaits me at the end. Just like life.. I will endure the hard to see the glimpses of magic that appear out of no where every day. So now that I have a brand new perspective on things and my new world glasses I can see the lines across my face. They are lines of where I have been, who I am, my story.. so many stories. But what I am finding in the lines, my story continues. The story of motherhood, businesses, family, and fight are all being created now and to me that's a magical thing.. cause Im still here breathing and living one hard day at a time.

1 comment:

  1. I love the way the book impacted you. I love your new perspective... You my friend are a gem and you my friend are my soul sister. xoxoxoxo What's our next book? Your pick this time. :)xoxoxo
