Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Working Mom or Stay at Home Mom

So before I ever even thought about babies, I always thought I will NEVER be at stay at home mom. I just NEED to be involved.. I am an out and about sort of lady. I spent the beginning of my self proclaimed "career" doing events for Saks Fifth Avenue.. doing events I never could have imagined I would be doing, meeting world famous designers and being smack dab in the middle of the craziness our city has to offer. Now at this time, I was 22 years old, loving the college life and this job seemed to be in my way. I could kick myself now a days for not taking full advantage. But shoulda, coulda, woulda right? I then moved on to graduate college and took a job downtown SA at a Private Club, members only and my job was recruiting members. These members are the elite of San Antonio. Judges, Congressmen, lawyers, executives. We had fun mixers, events, amazing food and more networking. I had worked there 2 years and this is when I decided to take my life in a new direction. Putting all of my energy into the family biz. Fishing lures. This was traveling the state of Texas and literally working our butts off setting up expos.. selling, advertising and promoting sometimes till we fell over. Now to present day, I work for a medical supply company who specialize in spine products and I am so blessed to be able to work from home. I am still able to be with my little mini.. but I have to say the older she gets, it gets a little more complicated. I used to second guess those moms who officed from home and either had a nanny come in or they still put their kids in daycare. My husband has this saying never spit up in the air.. because it always has to come down (In spanish it makes a little more sense i think). Meaning watch what you say because you never know until you have been there. And boy am I eating my words about that one. Although baby E is on a pretty solid schedule, that baby schedule doesn't always jive with my work schedule.. conference calls, reports, payroll. I have to give it up to those who work from home and keep the little ones with no help. God bless you ladies. So that being said, would it be soo much easier just to be home and not work? Or work and put my heart in school? I thought that was the best part about working from home was getting to be with her every day? Well only time will tell at this point depending on the directions of where these businesses lead us. But I am thinking a life change is in the near future. I definitely don't want either parties to suffer, my job but especially my little whom I want to give the sun, moon and stars and just like every mom believes she absolutely deserves this. But could I really be a stay at home mom? My mind convinces me of one thing.. while my heart tugs in the complete opposite direction.

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