Monday, February 4, 2013

Here for a Blink of an Eye.. RIP F.A.C

This weekend I spent way too much time reflecting. Last Thursday, my husband received a phone call that his brother in Guatemala had suddenly passed away. Pure shock ran thru our entire house. He was not supposed to be taken yet. He was not sick. I felt sadness take over my heart instantly. Not sadness for my sweet brother in law who is now resting.. but sadness for the people he has left behind in the crazy world we live in. Specifically my mother in law. That man who God called to be taken from her world was her everything. I just cannot wrap my mind around a parent loosing a child. The feeling just spins my head into something I never want to find myself in.. EVER. With all these thoughts piling up and my husband hundreds of miles away, I started thinking about the short period of time we are here. It then pushed me to realize what my priorities should be. And although a little late for New Years resolutions, I am determined that this will be the year to finally prioritize what really matters to me in my life. Instead of running around like a crazy lady chasing all of these different paths.. I want one path. The path that fills my heart with pure and genuine happiness... and could possibly take me the opposite direction I am headed. Obviously this won't be as easy as the words written here on this page. But that's ok.. I have never gotten anything worth anything easily. If we are only here in this world for a blink.. why not right?? Why not forgive that one person you haven't been able to? Why not have one more glass of wine? Why not take a road trip "just because"? Why not see your family you have already seen twice this week? Why not tell the person you love 100 times a day how much you love them? Why not be exactly who you are instead of faking for the world? I felt a change coming but I was blind sided by the sort of change that has come to fruition. Nonetheless, this has been placed in my life for a reason. Let's just call it a wake up call and I have been rattled wide awake. Let the grudges be wiped away, let the bitterness fade, and the past be forgotten. Let the canvas be refreshed and ready to be painted with a new story. A story really worth telling. Thank you Felipe Antonio Castaneda. Although I never met you, I loved you. You, sweet brother have changed my life... and for that I will forever be grateful. Rest in peace now.. your memory lives on thru your family.

1 comment:

    Sending all the love in the world from Arizona to San Antonio and beyond. Me and little A are passing all the good juju we can muster your way!
